Renovations Spring 2018

We are renovating the site to serve you better

18 Apr 2018

The Tesults web application goes through regular visual updates but you may have noticed recent changes have been more substantial. We want you to know that the most significant changes have already been rolled out but there will be continuing refinement especially over the next month. Stick with us, we are certain you will prefer the new look.

Our objective is to ensure we put your results data at the forefront and have the site disappear into the background to ensure you can remain focused on what is important to you and not have to deal with any clunky behavior or distractions.

The core functional interface will remain the same so there should be limited interruption and no one will have to relearn anything to do with normal functional usage. These changes are necessary to make the site easier to use, provide greater clarity and in particular offer better text and font contrast.

We welcome all feedback so please contact us if you have any concerns or feedback.

- Tesults team

Tesults - Release high quality software everytime

Test automation reporting and test case management for quality focused tech teams. 5 minute setup time.